Human Kind. Be Both Sticker

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  • Regular price $3.00

June is PRIDE MONTH, but let’s not forget that this celebration is all year long!

A portion of proceeds from this sticker will be donated to a local organization that has greatly impacted our community, the Fargo-Moorhead Pride Collective and Community Center. The center’s mission is to create a sense of community and promote education and social activities aimed at furthering the social and physical well-being and development of the LGBTQIA+ community in the Red River Valley. Learn more about this organization here.

We know that church has sometimes been a place of pain and exclusion for the LGBTQIA+ community. Here at Old Lutheran we believe: love has no boundaries, everyone is made in God’s image, LOVE is LOVE is LOVE. We hope that these shirts can help start positive, inclusive conversations with your congregation, family, friends, community, and beyond. 

  • 3"x1"

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