Martin Luther's Basic Theological Writings, with CD Rom

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The best one-volume reader of Martin Luther's writings, this work has become the gold standard for use in seminary and college environments. It not only offers all of Luther's most influential, noted, and important writings in the modern translations from the American edition of Luther's Works but also includes excerpts of his sermons and letters that shed light on Luther's own religious and theological development.

This new edition augments the first with further autobiographical excerpts, Luther's Preface to Romans, some of his controversialist writings, and a selection of graphics from the period. The CD-ROM features the fully searchable text, a short biography of Luther, a historical timeline, links to Reformation-era graphics, links to biographies and pictures of key Reformation figures, a glossary of key theological terms, a research-paper guide, and introductions to each part of the volume.

Paperback with CD-ROM
(Author: Timothy F. Lull)


520 pages

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